To develop an art is to create an ability or a skill. The work of ministry requires a profound mastery of skill, aptitude, and knowledge, and this course comprehensively addresses all three essential elements. Whether you serve as a home cell leader, serve in your church’s mission, feel a calling to the 5-fold ministry, or are simply a believer answering God’s call in your life, this course is tailored to your needs.
Its objective is to challenge you to walk worthy of the call of God and to equip you with the required theological and practical knowledge and skills.
The primary emphasis will be placed on the science and art of leading people, understanding the underlying purposes and principles of ministry, acquiring shepherding skills, the laws that govern ministry, etc.
Exodus 31:3 “I have filled Bezalel with the Spirit of God and have given him the skill, ability, and knowledge to do all kinds of work.”
$50.00 / month for 2 months